Back story
Violette began writing her memoirs in the mid-1980s as a means of staying in touch with her daughter, Mira, when she and her husband left London to live in France and Italy. Over the following years these treasured stories, anecdotes and occasional short essays built up into an impressive archive as a testimony for the younger generations who had little or no clue about their family history or communal identity.
Edited by Mira and her husband, Tony, a small quantity of proof copies were printed in 2006 and in her last months Violette was able to send one to each of her immediate relatives for comment, correction and verification of facts. The finished book was published in England in 2008, followed two years later by an American version from Northwestern University Press. Throughout, the editors regularly faced the question, 'When is it going to be published in Hebrew and Arabic?' for undoubtedly there are many for whom the story will resonate who do not speak English. Happily, a Hebrew edition saw the light of day in 2014 thanks to the enthusiastic work of translator Moshe Shemesh (no relation) and the Israeli publishing house, Gvanim. And finally, in December 2020 the Arabic version was published in Beirut by Arab Scientific Publishers, through the efforts of Iraqi/New Zealand author Ali Shakir.
Originally the intention was simple: the creation a family album to show Violette's grandchildren (and now great-grandchildren) the rich and vibrant heritage they could be proud of — with the addition of a lexicon of the Judeo-Arabic language, spoken only by older people today and therefore in danger of extinction. For as Violette reminds those readers unfamiliar with the story of the break-up of the oldest of all Jewish communities: ‘Once uprooted from Baghdad, we scattered all over the world like feathers from a pillow, never to be reunited.’
Eventually, the disastrous events that have overtaken Iraq compelled the authors to listen to the advice of friends who said the work deserved a wider audience. Tony, a former Sunday Times journalist, began researching the Farhud — and this early 20th century tale of Arabian nights with its revelations of a shameful episode in British diplomacy sprang off the page.
Since our book was first published in the UK it has enjoyed sales worldwide and has been reproduced for the North American market by Northwestern University Press in hardback, paperback and e-book form.
Now it is with great pleasure that we can announce the availability of a new, improved, Kindle version in colour with many additional illustrations joining the old photographs that have been colourised. The effect of this technology is startling: the story comes to life in a special way which is most rewarding. Additionally, I have added some new information to the section "Behind the Farhud" that has come to light since first publication. I have deliberately kept the price as low as possible and it is on sale for £7. Tony Rocca